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Charter Health Crowd

Vancouver Sun Publishes Trial Dates for Court Case


An article by Pamela Fayerman appeared this morning in the Vancouver Sun regarding the upcoming Charter Health case. The case has been alloted seven (7) months in court and will likely begin March 2nd, 2015, to be confirmed by the BC Supreme Court.

The full article can be seen here:

6:30PM UPDATE: We couldn't help but notice the many comments posted at the bottom of the above (linked) article are largely in support of Charter Health's position: "It is morally and ethically wrong to force people to wait."


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Ben, Whistler, BC wrote 9 years ago

How ironic. Both my back surgery and this court case have been pushed back many times. The icing on the cake is that I'm scheduled to meet with my surgeon the very same day, March 2nd. I hope neither of us gets rescheduled once again.

Aaron, Richmond, BC wrote 10 years ago

I think Canadians are finally waking up and realizing that they are *sick* of the current system (pun fully intended).

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