February 18th, 2015
I am so frustrated and frightened regarding what is happening to me. In Nov. of 2013, (after suffering for the previous year) I finally decided to seek some help regarding the worsening pain in my hip and knee and severe limp. After reviewing my Xray, my GP told me I had end stage OA in my right hip, (with multiple large bone spurs and cysts) and a partially collapsed femoral head due to AVN (cause unknown). He told me a total hip replacement was my only treatment option. My GP immediately referred me to a local orthopedic surgeon. I saw the surgeon in Jan. of 2014, he agreed with my GP's diagnosis and placed me on his surgical wait list... where I have remained ever since, with no end in sight, I have been told my surgeon's wait list for hip replacement surgery is 2 years at least.
I know if I had the funds I could travel to the US and receive surgery, but I don't, so I am at the mercy of our * health care system *
I truly believe that Canada must embrace a two tiered system, what we are being subjected to now is inhumane and ruining people's lives.
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I completely agree, my husband is in severe pain and agony waiting to see a surgeon. If I had a dog and It was in as much pain the veterinarian would treat the animal or put it down. This is freaking ridiculous and we should all call the government to complain. This is inhumane treatment and needs to stop.
If I go to the dentist it is private and my insurance or the government pays the cost, why can't these private clinics for ortho surgery be billing as a dentist does.
Seems like they want people to suffer enough and pay for out of pocket so they do not have to pay.