September 22nd, 2018
I am a Cancer patient in BC and I am very upset to hear about how the government is going after private health care providers.
The only reason I was diagnosed with cancer early is because of a private hospital and an executive medical which I paid for. We also privately paid for 2 CT scans and a biopsy. I am having a hard time understanding why this is an issue for the government? My actions lead to an early diagnosis and our money allowed me to have scans done in a timely manner and free up the current public health for others. Would you rather a patient like me be a burden on the current system? My actions have saved my life!
The public system would have had me go undiagnosed for years. Yet the government continues to go after doctors practising privately and associated facilities? Do you have any idea how horrible and difficult it is to navigate through BC Cancer? It is atrociously bad.
Luckily my husband is well-connected and an incredible asset to navigating through the system. My past life had me living in the UK where public and private health work along side one another. Why can’t BC do this?
It truly feels like this province is in the dark ages.
I sent this email to John Horan and Adrian Dix
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