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Charter Health Crowd

My son a few years ago needed ACL surgery.

James, Vancouver, BC

February 6th, 2020


My son a few years ago needed ACL surgery. He was hurt playing a pick up game of basketball. He might have been able to see a surgeon in eight weeks and had the surgery within a year. He could walk up the stairs but not down we went and had it done privately and it was the best choice I ever made. I worked hard my whole life and when our family needed the medical system it failed


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Angela, Vancouver, BC wrote 4 years ago

My husband has miniscus and ACL injury, in chronic pain ... he will be lucky if he gets someone in the system to see him in a month, let alone do the necessary! We can’t even take him across the border because of COVID-19... so we will try to go privately here. This should not be happening.

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