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Charter Health Crowd

I waited for months in agonizing pain

Stephen, British Columbia

October 24th, 2018


I waited for months in agonizing pain after a back injury only to be told in a 3-minute consultation with a specialist I had waited for that the CT scan I also waited for was inappropriate to diagnose my injury and that I required an MRI which would take months. The immediate availability of a private MRI lead to the identification of a serious, previously unknown problem not viewable by any other method. This lead to an immediate need for a Neurology consult and I was able to see a private Neurologist for a full 45 minute appointment within two weeks of inquiring (unheard of in the public system), an immediate summary report to my physician, and 6 months of access thereafter. By knowing immediately what the problem was I was able to gain the knowledge to help reduce the progression of an incurable state.

People are allowed to spend more money fixing their car or getting new tires than they are on their own body and health care choices. When you hit a rock and get a blown out tire somehow people manage to find the $250 to fix it. In this case the car is a metaphor for getting around in life and productivity. Could you imagine if we were only allowed to buy tires at the "National Tire Store" that has a 6 month wait for tires? Would everyone drive around with 4 flat tires for 6 months until they could get an appointment, when the private tire store across the street can see me tomorrow? Having the choice of a private provider when in urgent need is not a luxury or an issue of class or tiers - it is allowing people to choose where to put their own resources for the betterment of their quality of life.


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