November 25th, 2014
For years I have had lumbar and cervical pain. Over the past several years, I have tried various treatments, prolotherapy, massages, and other traditional treatments - all without any real success. I asked for an MRI, and my doctor told me that my problem was not considered urgent and I would have to wait 7 months!! I planned and paid for my own in Calgary with no waiting list. I paid for cervical X-rays in Victory, and also diagnostic treatment privately in Victoria, BC. Other treatments in Alberta.
To summarise, I consider the video showing of Dr. Day's interview right on the mark. My wife and I have worked since we were 16, contributed to Health Care in Britain, and full health care here over the past 48 years. Also, have taken out Long Term Care for the both of us since we are the only two in our family and knew that the time would come when we would have to seek help in our old age. We have worked ALL OUR LIVES. We are both in our 80's now, and over the past two years my wife has developed dementia. Now in a full care facility, our PRIVATE membership of a Care Plan has been of enormous help. The failure to be able to choose, AT A FIRST, facility next door to us left me speechless, but the set of rules by Interior Health resulted in my wife having to go to FERNIE, (65 MILES AWAY) so that according to "PROCEDURE" she would eventually be able to come to Cranbrook.
Now, these are only a few of the things that make life miserable because at our time of life the last thing we want is obstruction by government and bureacrats of any type. We S A V E D so that we could pay our way, but this will be denied us if government bring in laws that prevent us from getting treatment that we need , want, and of our own C H O I C E - without waiting lists.
This means WE knew that at some time in the future WE would need to continue to rely on a good health service and that we SHOULD BE ABLE TO CHOOSE and pay for our essentially any specialized treatment that we would require.
GOVERNMENTS always turn out to BE costly impediments to PROGRESS.
Sincerely, Henry Chadwick
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